The BLOODPAC Portal is the leading global hub for storing and sharing liquid biopsy data files associated with peer-reviewed publications. BLOODPAC nonmembers and members store, search, share and analyze liquid biopsy data.
Enter the BLOODPAC Portal for access to publications and datasets.
Submit your publication & dataset to the BLOODPAC Portal.
The Portal is used to store and search datasets of interest, and then either download the datasets or analyze them in a cloud-based workspace. This includes liquid biopsy data files such as sequencing data files (VCF, FASTQ, etc.), tables, images, etc. The BLOODPAC Portal enables the entire community to store, share and analyze liquid biopsy datasets with associated publications seamlessly.
To use the BLOODPAC Portal, a BLOODPAC administrator requires the following information from a submitter:
Published technical paper or a technical report.
The dataset itself (zips of data).
A metadata file that provides metadata about the dataset and publication.
DOI, DATAGUID, and or Identifer.org link
Please contact the BLOODPAC HelpDesk at bpa-support@datacommons.io.